High Yield Note

Meet Mr Boyo

Mr Boyo is a businessman who imports electronics from Japan. Mr Boyo invests in the GDL High Yield Note because it is 100% safe and it enables him gain sizeable interest on his capital after 365 days of investing. Mr Boyo invests 5 million a month and earns up to 10% interest.

If you’re a long time investor looking for how to increase your earnings, the High Yield Note is definitely your product. Speak to a customer care rep if you want to learn more about this product.

Money Market Fund

Meet Tina

Tina is a corp member who’s serving in Lagos. She gets N33,000 a month from the government and N10,000 from the company in which she serves. Tina invests about 25% of her total salary (N10,000) in the GDL Money Market Fund every month. She plans to keep investing till after her service year.

If you’re a first-time investor looking to invest between N10,000 to N100,000, then the Money Market Fund is the best for you. Need more details? Speak to a customer care rep.


Meet Mrs Amaka

Mrs Amaka likes to take risks, she sees an opportunity and grabs it with both hands. Mrs Amaka buys the shares of profitable Nigerian companies through GDL Stockbroking. She buys the shares, plans to hold them for years so she can live on the dividends when she retires.

If you’re a risk taker willing to bet on the profitability and sustainability of Nigerian companies, then GDL Stockbroking is what you need. Speak to a skilled stockbroker to learn how you can make money from stocks.

Long Term Note

Meet Mr David

Mr David dreams of relocating to Canada one day. He has started making plans to live his dream. His first step was to open a GDL account and start investing in the GDL Long Term Note. He plans to keep investing for two years and present his account as proof of funds when he wants to move to Canada.

If you’re looking to invest for a minimum of two years with great interest rates and maximum safety, then the Long Term Note is for you. Learn more about this secure investment opportunity by speaking to a customer care rep here.


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